Another day, another putsch for guns. The king's vague wording about who's affected, such as "other diseases", is not for lack of nuance. It's so that he, or some other mendacious tyrant, can make up laws as they go along. Are you a Veteran with PTSD? Sorry, no gun. Did you take ADD/HD meds as a kid? Nope, no gun for you. 1982 Seattle Supersonic wearing socks on a Thursday? You get the picture.
My hands-down favorite part, however, is the one about being incapable of managing your own finances. Yes, the apparatus which loses $500,000,000.00 and is $19,000,000,000,000.00 in debt is going to judge your ability to handle money.
Does anything ever surprise you anymore? Do you even care? Or are you like me, just simply worn. The Alinsky tactics are in Barack Obama's playbook because they work. From IRS to spying on Congress to making up healthcare laws all on his own, he's run it up the gut since day one.
Let that sink in for a moment. A sitting President Of The United States Of America is eavesdropping on the private correspondences and communications of The People's representatives. Like some B-roll Bonaparte whose will is law, he'll do as he pleases and inflict maximum pain. And you'll like it, pleb.
Still, I'm willing to wager there's nary a pitchfork or bonfire to be found in the entire separatist enclave of D.C.. I'm certain Congress won't do a damned thing about it, either. In fact, I predict that by the end of the year, they'll be funding it by name. The "People's Watch" bill, or some other noble-sounding but seditious tract. They'll abdicate to the throne, and acquiesce with the glee only a millionaire could know. The few patriots like Amash, Massie, Paul and Gowdy will do their best, but in the end separatists will again prevail.
First you're startled, then you're pissed. You go to this rally and that, doing whatever you can in your capacity as a private Citizen to honor that oath you took as a kid. You know, the one about volunteering your life to defend of the Republic. Not 'Murica, not "the homeland". The Republic. The one where the rule of law was superior to the whim of one person. And now here we are, tired.
Do you know what I've realized?
My duty and scorn are misplaced. Congress has had countless opportunities to honor their oaths. They are of equal power, they are not "opposition". Their duties are clearly defined, and they were voted in as a clear repudiation of the status quo.
The emperor can only do what he does because Congress let's him. The Supreme Court as well, for deeming a fine a "tax" directly defied Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the Constitution. If our beneficent, black-robed high priests won't follow the law, why would their pontiff?
Why won't the House and Senate do their duty? I expected articles of impeachment, but got to pay for murdered baby parts instead. I wanted some accountability for Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS targeting, AP wiretapping, and a score of other Nixonian dramas, but it was more important to facilitate nuclear weapons for Iran.
Then, as if to pour salt into the wound, one oath-eschewing politician chides me to "turn down the volume", and another bankrolls the emperor's designs with the rebuke that "anger is not a plan."
If we're truly a nation of laws and not men, then this matters. It's not Republican vs. Democrat, because how are they any different? It's Citizens vs. separatists, and we already fought the bloodiest war in American history over this.
It cuts right to the essence of being an American. If Barack Obama and his lawless horde get to assert their will as law, then we are no longer governed. If you let them spy on you, target you, and murder you without any modicum of due process, we are ruled. And if that be the case, then we ought to be shamed forever as The Last Americans.
My hands-down favorite part, however, is the one about being incapable of managing your own finances. Yes, the apparatus which loses $500,000,000.00 and is $19,000,000,000,000.00 in debt is going to judge your ability to handle money.
Does anything ever surprise you anymore? Do you even care? Or are you like me, just simply worn. The Alinsky tactics are in Barack Obama's playbook because they work. From IRS to spying on Congress to making up healthcare laws all on his own, he's run it up the gut since day one.
Let that sink in for a moment. A sitting President Of The United States Of America is eavesdropping on the private correspondences and communications of The People's representatives. Like some B-roll Bonaparte whose will is law, he'll do as he pleases and inflict maximum pain. And you'll like it, pleb.

First you're startled, then you're pissed. You go to this rally and that, doing whatever you can in your capacity as a private Citizen to honor that oath you took as a kid. You know, the one about volunteering your life to defend of the Republic. Not 'Murica, not "the homeland". The Republic. The one where the rule of law was superior to the whim of one person. And now here we are, tired.
Do you know what I've realized?
My duty and scorn are misplaced. Congress has had countless opportunities to honor their oaths. They are of equal power, they are not "opposition". Their duties are clearly defined, and they were voted in as a clear repudiation of the status quo.

Why won't the House and Senate do their duty? I expected articles of impeachment, but got to pay for murdered baby parts instead. I wanted some accountability for Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS targeting, AP wiretapping, and a score of other Nixonian dramas, but it was more important to facilitate nuclear weapons for Iran.
Then, as if to pour salt into the wound, one oath-eschewing politician chides me to "turn down the volume", and another bankrolls the emperor's designs with the rebuke that "anger is not a plan."
If we're truly a nation of laws and not men, then this matters. It's not Republican vs. Democrat, because how are they any different? It's Citizens vs. separatists, and we already fought the bloodiest war in American history over this.
It cuts right to the essence of being an American. If Barack Obama and his lawless horde get to assert their will as law, then we are no longer governed. If you let them spy on you, target you, and murder you without any modicum of due process, we are ruled. And if that be the case, then we ought to be shamed forever as The Last Americans.
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