Know what's pretty ballsy? Ted Cruz calling the D.C. apparatus a "cartel" right to its smug face.
That's exactly what I want to hear. It's the most dangerous period in the history of our republic (yes, I know we've already fought a civil war). Your Hyperbole Meter is surely spiking right now, but I really don't give a shit. My perspective is grounded in history, logic and truth, and I don't care how teabagger/teabilly/Tealiban you think it sounds:
I have a really keen appreciation for the men and women - white, black, gay, straight, young, old, northern, finer -- who created it, and I don't think any of them should have done so in vain. Now comes a tyrant, decreeing he'll intrinsically change it at will, as though those that preceded him had somehow gotten it all wrong. Jefferson? Patron saint of white privilege. Point du Hoc? Suckers. Fallujah? Look at Fallujah now, Marines, and tell me what this regime thinks of you.
It doesn't even concern itself with restraints like class or amity anymore. It outright calls Americans domestic terrorists, in league with radical Iranian mullahs because they don't wish to arm radical Iranian mullahs. It's the same dark, have-you-stopped-beating-your-wife logic that tells Israel, "If you do not lift the blockade which keeps us from attacking you, we're going to attack you."
The regime even whacks its own, if it has to, just like any good cartel would do (at least when they're not destroying rivers and stuff). Might I just add, if Bush ever so much as peed in a puddle, separatists would've gone into full-blown Mogadishu-Mode. Mr. Climate Change fundamentally transforms a river, but there's not a smidgen of arsenic.
Anyway, these are some heady times. I know it's a rote assessment at this point, but we're living in the era our Founders warned us about. We're at a crossroads, so of course we've decided to host the world's first reality-government television show.
Seriously, WTF is going on? Furthermore, it looks like the booth from "The Naked Gun" up there.
Our feet are now in the Rubicon. It's a time for choosing. We don't need a brain surgeon, we need a statesman. Not a Kardashian, but a Cincinnatus, and one who doesn't have to carry on like a Central Casting used-car salesman to strike a tone.
"Cartel." That's tone. I really like Ted Cruz, and apparently many others do, too. I want to keep digging, however, and invite you to join me in looking at his voting record to form a better opinion.
As an aside, if someone is unable to see honor in a representative of We The People honoring his Constitutional oath, that speaks to their character, not the Senator's.
Kudos to Rand Paul for calling out Huggy Bear! Christie openly vowed to violate the Fourth Amendment, and Rubio later joined him. Again.
These men have openly pledged to violate the Constitution they'll take an oath to preserve, protect, and defend. Right out of the gate! The very first question for them at the next debate should rightfully be, "Which other unalienable rights will you violate if elected President?"
How cool is Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI 3rd District)? An avowed Watchman (he explains EVERY vote) and lover of Taco Bell's Starburst-flavored iceys, he took the time to answer a voting/procedural question I had on Twitter. It's pretty damned cool for a Citizen to be able to communicate with our elected representatives like this.
That's exactly what I want to hear. It's the most dangerous period in the history of our republic (yes, I know we've already fought a civil war). Your Hyperbole Meter is surely spiking right now, but I really don't give a shit. My perspective is grounded in history, logic and truth, and I don't care how teabagger/teabilly/Tealiban you think it sounds:
I have a really keen appreciation for the men and women - white, black, gay, straight, young, old, northern, finer -- who created it, and I don't think any of them should have done so in vain. Now comes a tyrant, decreeing he'll intrinsically change it at will, as though those that preceded him had somehow gotten it all wrong. Jefferson? Patron saint of white privilege. Point du Hoc? Suckers. Fallujah? Look at Fallujah now, Marines, and tell me what this regime thinks of you.
It doesn't even concern itself with restraints like class or amity anymore. It outright calls Americans domestic terrorists, in league with radical Iranian mullahs because they don't wish to arm radical Iranian mullahs. It's the same dark, have-you-stopped-beating-your-wife logic that tells Israel, "If you do not lift the blockade which keeps us from attacking you, we're going to attack you."
The regime even whacks its own, if it has to, just like any good cartel would do (at least when they're not destroying rivers and stuff). Might I just add, if Bush ever so much as peed in a puddle, separatists would've gone into full-blown Mogadishu-Mode. Mr. Climate Change fundamentally transforms a river, but there's not a smidgen of arsenic.
Anyway, these are some heady times. I know it's a rote assessment at this point, but we're living in the era our Founders warned us about. We're at a crossroads, so of course we've decided to host the world's first reality-government television show.

Our feet are now in the Rubicon. It's a time for choosing. We don't need a brain surgeon, we need a statesman. Not a Kardashian, but a Cincinnatus, and one who doesn't have to carry on like a Central Casting used-car salesman to strike a tone.
"Cartel." That's tone. I really like Ted Cruz, and apparently many others do, too. I want to keep digging, however, and invite you to join me in looking at his voting record to form a better opinion.
As an aside, if someone is unable to see honor in a representative of We The People honoring his Constitutional oath, that speaks to their character, not the Senator's.
Kudos to Rand Paul for calling out Huggy Bear! Christie openly vowed to violate the Fourth Amendment, and Rubio later joined him. Again.
These men have openly pledged to violate the Constitution they'll take an oath to preserve, protect, and defend. Right out of the gate! The very first question for them at the next debate should rightfully be, "Which other unalienable rights will you violate if elected President?"
How cool is Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI 3rd District)? An avowed Watchman (he explains EVERY vote) and lover of Taco Bell's Starburst-flavored iceys, he took the time to answer a voting/procedural question I had on Twitter. It's pretty damned cool for a Citizen to be able to communicate with our elected representatives like this.
Great job!