I've lost count how many times I've uttered, "This can't be happening." We were primed for a Cincinnatus to step forward, and got WKRP in Cincinnati's Johnny Fever instead.
I'm not a Trump supporter, but I comprehend the dynamic. This is what countless years of D.C. lawlessness gets you.
Citizens stood by while rich, feckless people thousands of miles away disgraced our founding principles. They stood by patiently while that cabal disregarded our rule of law. They stood by silently, still hoping for the best, while the traitors made a mockery of our protocols of governance. American cities are ransacked, looted, and burned by separatists officially given "space to destroy", while Citizens get shot thrice in the back.
The seditious aristocracy gave away our jobs. Our manufacturing was gutted by NAFTA & GATT, and who knows what the glorious effects will be of TPP. Our I.T. workers are being laid off by the millions just so foreign H1-B visa workers can come to the U.S. and work for less.
The cabal imposes a law upon the most sacrosanct aspect of all: One's own body. And should a Citizen not comply, they are levied with a penalty that was post-legislatively decreed a tax. To rub some salt into the wound, they exempted themselves from it.
They force Citizens to fund Kermit Gosnell. Planned Parenthood officials are videotaped verbatim participating in the trafficking of human remains, and what happens? They double down on their hubris and sue the videographer.
They arm North Korea with nuclear weapons. While the ink is still drying on a subsequent deal with Iran, Pyongyang moves its nuclear forces to a preemptive posture. Not to be outdone, Iran is already violating the accord by test firing missiles marked, "Israel Must Be Wiped Out".
The cartel sends our military into harm's way for a lie, imposes ridiculously dangerous rules of engagement on them, and those lucky enough to return are branded "domestic terrorists". If they're wounded, their reward is to wallow in the morass better known as the V.A. How many Veterans committed suicide today?
In another stunning display of the regime's utter contempt for the law, just today they announced preliminary plans to start prosecuting dissent. That such dialog would even be had is grounds for revolt.
The establishment created this monster. From Bush 1 to Clinton 1 to Bush 2 to Obama to Clinton 2 and every lie, crime, corruption and usurpation in between, they're finally reaping what they've sown. If they somehow strip The People's nomination from the boorish billionaire, how do they think The People will respond? You're already seeing it at the increasingly volcanic Trump rallies. This air is summed up best by Michael Cannon, director of Health Policy Studies at The Cato Institute:
“If the people come to believe that the government is no longer constrained by the laws, then they will conclude that neither are they.”
I'm not a Trump supporter, but I comprehend the dynamic. This is what countless years of D.C. lawlessness gets you.
Citizens stood by while rich, feckless people thousands of miles away disgraced our founding principles. They stood by patiently while that cabal disregarded our rule of law. They stood by silently, still hoping for the best, while the traitors made a mockery of our protocols of governance. American cities are ransacked, looted, and burned by separatists officially given "space to destroy", while Citizens get shot thrice in the back.
The seditious aristocracy gave away our jobs. Our manufacturing was gutted by NAFTA & GATT, and who knows what the glorious effects will be of TPP. Our I.T. workers are being laid off by the millions just so foreign H1-B visa workers can come to the U.S. and work for less.
The cabal imposes a law upon the most sacrosanct aspect of all: One's own body. And should a Citizen not comply, they are levied with a penalty that was post-legislatively decreed a tax. To rub some salt into the wound, they exempted themselves from it.
They force Citizens to fund Kermit Gosnell. Planned Parenthood officials are videotaped verbatim participating in the trafficking of human remains, and what happens? They double down on their hubris and sue the videographer.
They arm North Korea with nuclear weapons. While the ink is still drying on a subsequent deal with Iran, Pyongyang moves its nuclear forces to a preemptive posture. Not to be outdone, Iran is already violating the accord by test firing missiles marked, "Israel Must Be Wiped Out".
The cartel sends our military into harm's way for a lie, imposes ridiculously dangerous rules of engagement on them, and those lucky enough to return are branded "domestic terrorists". If they're wounded, their reward is to wallow in the morass better known as the V.A. How many Veterans committed suicide today?
In another stunning display of the regime's utter contempt for the law, just today they announced preliminary plans to start prosecuting dissent. That such dialog would even be had is grounds for revolt.
The establishment created this monster. From Bush 1 to Clinton 1 to Bush 2 to Obama to Clinton 2 and every lie, crime, corruption and usurpation in between, they're finally reaping what they've sown. If they somehow strip The People's nomination from the boorish billionaire, how do they think The People will respond? You're already seeing it at the increasingly volcanic Trump rallies. This air is summed up best by Michael Cannon, director of Health Policy Studies at The Cato Institute:
“If the people come to believe that the government is no longer constrained by the laws, then they will conclude that neither are they.”
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