Saturday, April 19, 2014

You Damned Rebels! #OperationAmericanSpring

Today marks the 238th anniversary of free, armed Citizens (i.e., Militia) defying corrupt bullies thousands of miles away. In the intervening 86,927 days, extremists have somehow contorted both logic and law to the point that those same Citizens are now considered domestic terrorists. Rather than trying to decipher this madness, I've decided to just wait for my weapons to arrive. 

Last month I'd subjected you to my first video. Now that I know the Bill of Rights better, I thought a fitting follow-up would be an understanding of exactly how it's being usurped by separatists. Casting a light on their treason is NOT racism, it's vigilance!

I started compiling the infractions, but couldn't even make it through the first amendment without developing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. The Third Lantern will instead shine on the Truth Seeker for publishing their comprehensive list. 

This matters! It's not stodgy proceedings by some dead guys in powdered wigs - it's YOUR freedom to speak, to worship however you wish, or even not at all. To move about freely, to protect your family, to not have your private correspondences snooped on, to have the final choice about what you do with YOUR OWN BODY. We are a nation of liberty, laws and process, period.
  • Used Executive Privilege in regards to Fast & Furious gun running scandal. When Government misconduct is the concern, Executive privilege is negated.
  • 23 Executive Orders on gun control - infringement of the 2nd Amendment
  • 2 Executive actions mandating private health information on patients be turned over to NICS - Violation of HIPPA law.
  • Executive Order bypassing Congress on immigration – Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; Article II Section 3
  • Unilaterally issued new exemptions to immigration restrictions law that bars certain asylum-seekers and refugees who provided “limited material support” to t
    errorists. – Article 1 Section 1
  • Issued directive instructing ICE to NOT enforce immigration laws in certain cases. Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3
  • Expanded executive action for amnesty to illegal immigrant relatives of DREAM Act beneficiaries. Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3
  • Executive action directing DHS that almost all immigration offenses were unenforceable absent a separate criminal conviction. Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3
  • Information memorandum telling states that they can waive the work requirement for welfare recipients, thereby altering the 1996 welfare reform law. - Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress
  • NDAA – Section 1021. Due process Rights negated.  Violation of 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Amendments.
  • Executive Order 13603 NDRP – Government can seize anything
  • Executive Order 13524 – Gives INTERPOL jurisdiction on American soil beyond law enforcement agencies, including the FBI.
  • Executive Order 13636 Infrastructure Cybersecurity – Bypassing Congress Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress
  • Attempt to tax political contributions – 1st Amendment
  • DOMA Law – Obama directed DOJ to ignore the Constitution and separation of powers and not enforce the law. ” he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3
  • Dodd-Frank – Due process and separation of powers. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau writing and interpreting law. Article. I. Section. 1
  • Drone strikes on American Citizens – 5th Amendment Due process Rights negated
  • Bypassed Congress and gave EPA power to advance Cap-n-Trade
  • Attempt for Graphic tobacco warnings (under appeal) – 1st Amendment
  • Four Exec. appointments – Senate was NOT in recess (Court has ruled unconstitutional yet the appointees still remain)
  • Appointing agency czars without the “advice and consent of the Senate.”  Violation of Article II, Section 2
  • Obama took Chairmanship of UN Security Council – Violation of Section 9.
  • ACA (Obamacare) mandate – SCOTUS rewrote legislation and made it a tax because there is no Constitutional authority for Congress to force Americans to engage in commerce. SCOTUS has no authority to Legislate or lay taxes. Article I Section 1 & 8.
  • Contraceptive, abortifacients mandate violation of First Ammendment
  • Healthcare waivers – No president has dispensing powers
  • Refuses to acknowledge state’s 10th Amendment rights to nullify Obamacare
  • Going after states (AZ lawsuit) for upholding Federal law (immigration) -10th Amendment.
  • Chrysler Bailout -TARP - violated creditors rights and bankruptcy law, as well as Takings and Due Process Clauses – 5th Amendment (G.W. Bush also illegally used TARP funds for bailouts)
  • The Independent Payment Advisory Board (appointees by the president). Any decisions by IPAB will instantly become law starting in 2014 – Separation of Powers, Article 1 Section 1.
  • Congress did not approve Obama’s war in Libya. Article I, Section 8, First illegal war U.S. has engaged in. Impeachable under Article II, Section 4; War Powers Act – Article II Section 3.
  • Obama falsely claims UN can usurp Congressional war powers.
  • Obama has acted outside the constitutional power given him – this in itself is unconstitutional.
  • With the approval of Obama, the NSA and the FBI are tapping directly into the servers of 9 internet companies to gain access to emails, video/audio, photos, documents, etc. This program is code named PRISM. NSA also collecting data on all phone calls in U.S. – Violation of 4th Amendment.
  • Plans to sign U.N. Firearms treaty – 2nd Amendment.
  • The Senate/Obama immigration bill (approved by both) raises revenue – Section 7. All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives
  • Obama altered law – (A president has no authority to alter law) Delayed upholding the Employer Mandate Law (ACA) until 2015 – Individual Mandate will be enforced. A President does not have that authority – Article. I. Section. 1. All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States; The president “shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed” -Article II, Section 3;  Equal Protection Clause -14th Amendment.
  • Obama altered law - ACA Medicare cuts delayed until 2015. Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3.
  • Obama altered law – Enforcement of eligibility requirements for ACA delayed until 2015. Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3.
  • Obama wavered ACA Income Verification Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3.
  • Obama altered law – Delayed ACA caps on out of pocket expenses until 2015. (when implemented premiums will skyrocket) Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3.
  • Obama ignored judicial order to fulfill legal obligation regarding Yucca Mountain waste. Article II, Section 3
  • Waived Federal provision that prevents U.S. From arming terrorist groups – Article I. Section 1; Impeachable under Article III, Section 3.
  • Directed State Department HS to ignore law barring entry to U.S. those giving political or charitable aid to known terrorist groups. Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3.
  • Obama shelves part of the ACA Law for Insurers, extending the life of non-qualifying (according to ACA) plans until Jan. 1, 2015. Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3. Violation of the Take Care Clause, Separation of Powers.
  • Obama waved ACA individual mandate for those that lost their insurance. Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3. Violation of the Take Care Clause, Separation of Powers.
  • Obama alters ACA law and exempts companies employing between 50-100 full-time workers from business mandate until 2016. Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3.
  • In total, Obama has unilaterally altered ACA 21 times.  Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3. Violation of the Take Care Clause, Separation of Powers.

1 comment:

  1. Just to inform you what was sent to Col. Riley in February 2014 by dozens of people fro all over the world. I really would like to say God bless you but God will NOT bless you unless you fight your enemy (Obama etc.) God's way not your own way. Just have a look.

    Dear Col. Riley,

    I hope this finds you well, in good spirit and having a good day.

    You may well be aware already that the Americans and the British Commonwealth nations are God's TRUE people ISRAEL, meaning "Champion of God" with whom God has made a solemnly binding Covenant/Contract.

    As part of this contract YOU were given GOD'S PERFECT "LAWS OF LIBERTY" (the first five books of the Old Testament including the Commandments) to live by it FOREVER (read Matt. 5:17,18) and eventually be a blessing to ALL families of the Earth - Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done in earth, as [it is] in heaven.

    While taking the Bible around the world for God YOU have never been defeated because God had promised to protect YOU. The Americans became a great people (Genesis 49:19) whilst the English became a multitude/Commonwealth of Nations and God made their name great (Genesis 12:2) - Great Britain.

    Under the Covenant YOU were expressly forbidden to allow people from amongst yourself to legislate (Deuteronomy 4:2, 12:32). God knew what would happen if you deviated from this key element of His Law. You would end up in slavery again, this time not in Egypt but slavery and oppression to the "system" of the rich and powerful.

    So God prohibited the writing of laws and economic policies by humans, in order to protect us all from abuse, and oppression created under the home-made laws of evil and filthy people.

    Unfortunately YOU have failed to be God's demonstration people to the world that YOUR TRUE FOUNDING FATHERS had sworn that YOU would. You have broken the covenant, you have never kept God's Laws, instead of you have spread satan's deceptive "demon crazy" (democracy) which God had WARNED YOU about likewise (Deuteronomy 5:32) and you have spread satan's destructive babylonian market system which really is insanely insatiable consumerism that is poisoning the Earth; its environment and all of mankind. You have indeed enthroned the false gods of finance capitalism which is now the main reason for ALL the mess the whole world is in - the love of money is the root of ALL evil.

    Obviously the time of Jacob's (=Israel's) trouble has come. God is punishing you, just look at the extreme and violent weather events in America and Great Britain. God is allowing you to be afflicted and to suffer under an overpowering enemy and finally be killed - yes killed, it says so in the Apokalypse (j a h t r u t h dot net slash horse dot htm)!

    So what is the solution to all this?

    Malachi 4:4 (last page of the Old Testament)
    Remember ye and return to The Law of Moses My servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, [with] the Statutes and Judgments.

    If YOU do that, Colonel, if YOU humbly return to YOUR Father, if YOU re-establish the Law of The Lord, if YOU acknowledge your TRUE LEADER, which is Christ Jesus, God has promised to hear and to help YOU even in the "Latter Days" that we are in. And in this case YOU will win and satan's whole house of cards, which is all about ILLEGAL, UNFAIR human legislation will collapse. God will deliver YOU out of the slavery of men's evil laws and system.

    All of this is explained in minute detail on the internet j a h t r u t h dot net slash plan dot htm. It is GOD'S PLAN and the ONLY Way to defeat the new world order.

    Greetings from Germany. Yours truly,
