Friday, May 2, 2014

You Can Tell A Lot About Our Country By Who's On A Book Tour And Who's In Jail.

The Amerikan state-run media makes Soviet-era TASS look like Woodward and Bernstein.

With the release this week of further evidence that Washington is covering up their Benghazi cover-up, CBS inexplicably/predictably failed to report it. Hello, Sharyl Attkisson? Conversely, ABC's Jon Karl took the smug Comrade Carney to task over the surreal obfuscation and backpedaling the separatist regime is now engaging in, dude.

These latest revelations may prove to be the straw that at least got onto the camel's back: A House select committee on Benghazi, chaired by South Carolina's Trey Gowdy, finally appears to be happening.

Any moment now, DNC spokesmen Bill Maher, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert will provide unbiased, in-depth analysis and set the record straight once and for all. It's such a strange time: journalists abdicate their purpose and integrity, while Citizens outsource their awareness to comedians.

In this video, Jeremy Scahill from The Intercept is right out in front on the sorry state of the semi-Republic's media apparatus:
"We're left with a bankrupt media culture in this country... If we lose the institution of investigative journalism, of fact checking, of peer review, of edited pieces of old-school muckraking, of document diving like I.F. Stone did, or going to the scene as Seymour Hersch did... if we lose that and we cede everything to social media, to this 'Ritalin Society', then we're going to be in far worse shape than we are now, and we're already at the lowest point in terms of media relevance to ordinary people in our society that we've ever been in... One of the premiere battles of our lifetime is to try to get these corporations out of our lives, out of our electoral process in this country, out of the domination of the media."
The point? There's a war on journalism, and they have realized metadata is the ultimum vas. My question is, who are "they, They, THE OMINOUS THEY"?

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