Wednesday, April 16, 2014

One Month To Go #OperationAmericanSpring

Thank you to Senator Richard Burr (R - NC) and his office for sending The Third Lantern a liberty care package. Their responsiveness and generosity are very much appreciated.

The pocket Constitutions will be passed along to fellow Citizens, as will the study guide when I've finished. Fiat lux!  

New England Antiques Trader had a pewter figurine of the Lexington Minuteman, and I knew the perfect spot for him. My revolutionary soil collection is coming along nicely with nine locations, and I hope to complete the following by the end of this year:

Brooklyn Heights
Guilford Courthouse

The Third Lantern shines on Eric Parker today. When liberty called in Nevada, he traveled all the way from Idaho. He asserted our unalienable rights with gravitas, safety and restraint, and much to the dismay of extremists, the BLM retreated.  

For now.

Remember the snide "horses and bayonets" remark by Barack Obama, Esq., etc., etc., during the third debate? We The People may have fewer horses, it's true, but we still know how to use them.

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