The original title of this latest piece of bullshit was, "F#$% You, Too, Barry". Then I realized taking such a tack would only lend his latest pedantic lecture credence. So, ever the half-ass follower of Jesus, I am biting my virtual lip and forgiving the d*******g.
The guy defines hubris. He doesn't back away from controversial comments, he doubles down on them. First it was your high horse, now your faith just isn't up to snuff. He's had more pointed words for American Christians than he's had for ISIS.
His subsequent comments were pretty amazing, too. If you replaced his attribution with an Adams or Franklin, it would carry perfectly well:
Is he referring to Sudan, or Iran's 2009 uprising? Maybe Ferguson, or Conservatives being targeted by the IRS. There's a lot to pick from here.
"Where there is disagreement ,
we treat each other with compassion and respect."
Like during the government shutdown, when he dictated that Citizens feel "maximum pain" for the Tea Party's defiance to socialism? Was it the buses of 80 year-old Veterans who'd come to see their own Memorial, many for both the first and last time? He wouldn't permit them to approach, however, and instead made them disembark, walk, hobble, limp and roll 200 yards up the street. Because apparently the Bataan Death March wasn't quite long enough for him.
Honorable mention: When he stood before the Congress of The United States of America and decreed the body irrelevant (to thunderous applause from the separatist contingent).
"Where there are differences, we find strength in our common humanity, knowing that we are all children of God.”
Except for when he's assassinating four American Citizens and then bragging about how good he's gotten at it. Evidently it's become something rote to him, like Depeche Mode's "Violator" or knowing the Mets will be under .500 by May.
How about the fact that he's killed more innocents with drones than perished on 9/11? If that's not God-y enough for you, then go no further than his regard for His most innocent children of all.
I'd like to think they forgive him, too.
The guy defines hubris. He doesn't back away from controversial comments, he doubles down on them. First it was your high horse, now your faith just isn't up to snuff. He's had more pointed words for American Christians than he's had for ISIS.
His subsequent comments were pretty amazing, too. If you replaced his attribution with an Adams or Franklin, it would carry perfectly well:
“Where there is injustice we defend the oppressed. Where there isOnly, you can't believe a single word that comes out of his mouth, so you have to factor that in. Seriously, just go line by line:disagreement , we treat each other with compassion and respect. Where there are differences, we find strength in our common humanity, knowing that we are all children of God.”
"Where there is injustice we defend the oppressed."
Is he referring to Sudan, or Iran's 2009 uprising? Maybe Ferguson, or Conservatives being targeted by the IRS. There's a lot to pick from here.
"Where there is
Like during the government shutdown, when he dictated that Citizens feel "maximum pain" for the Tea Party's defiance to socialism? Was it the buses of 80 year-old Veterans who'd come to see their own Memorial, many for both the first and last time? He wouldn't permit them to approach, however, and instead made them disembark, walk, hobble, limp and roll 200 yards up the street. Because apparently the Bataan Death March wasn't quite long enough for him.
Honorable mention: When he stood before the Congress of The United States of America and decreed the body irrelevant (to thunderous applause from the separatist contingent).
"Where there are differences, we find strength in our common humanity, knowing that we are all children of God.”
Except for when he's assassinating four American Citizens and then bragging about how good he's gotten at it. Evidently it's become something rote to him, like Depeche Mode's "Violator" or knowing the Mets will be under .500 by May.
How about the fact that he's killed more innocents with drones than perished on 9/11? If that's not God-y enough for you, then go no further than his regard for His most innocent children of all.
I'd like to think they forgive him, too.
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