“If the people come to believe that the government is no longer constrained by the laws, then they will conclude that neither are they.” - Cato InstituteThis is one of the most salient points yet offered about the separatist regime's lawlessness. It's been well-documented to the point of saturation: Their emperor has made a mockery of our rule of law and protocols of governance. On a more tacit level, he has belittled our founding principles and our faiths, while at the same time demanding silence about our enemy's equivalents.
Christians are clinging to their guns and religion. Christians are lambasted at a prayer breakfast because the Crusades were such an awful business. As is his way, their emperor slices off one sliver of cheese and decrees it the entire wedge. European incursions into Outremer were largely in response to Islam's steady advance westward. Hurub al salibiya prompted the Crusades, not the other way around.
Meanwhile, Christians are bombed, beheaded, and burned alive by ISIS -- yes, the very same "rebels" that were funded, armed and trained by the separatist emperor.
Qaddafi was toppled in Libya and the jihadists seized power. Mubarak was toppled in Egypt and the jihadists seized power (until the people stood up again, much the the emperor's chagrin, and demanded a more secular government). Assad was next in line, but they have Russia's support, so ISIS doesn't stand a chance. Like U2, they re-invent themselves masterfully, going from poor, scrappy freedom fighters to billionaire tech-savvy Assassins. The regime's foreign policy's success story is Yemen. Yes, the very same country whose government was toppled by jihadists. See a trend yet?
And what the @#$% happened to Khorasan? They're like the Dexy's Midnight Runners of radical Islam.
The U.S State Department, with all the gravitas of a tech start-up, has become an outright embarrassment. Imagine telling someone in 1942 that we weren't going to kill our way out of World War II. We have the C.E.O. of Gallup openly wondering if his recent disclosure of the fabricated 2012 unemployment numbers would get him killed, and these interns are offering ISIS jobs.
We hear one pedantic lecture after the next about the nature of terror not being important, that there are also Christian terrorist groups, like the 250-man strong Lord's Resistance Army. Yep, 250 killers claiming to be Christians tearing up Uganda, and what does the emperor do? He sends 150 American soldiers and an Osprey crew. Where I come from. that's called "boots on the ground".
Meanwhile, 25,000 killers - who openly call themselves ISLAMIC - are destroying Iraq and Syria, cutting off people's heads, burning them alive, harvesting organs and selling women and children like livestock. And what does His Munificence do? He scolds us for calling them ISLAMIC. He hosts a summit on terrorism wherein attendees are not allowed to say "jihad" or "Islam".
The Bill of Rights was re-written when bloodthirsty Muslims killed 3,000 of us, but now we're not allowed to say who did it? The wounds still haven't scabbed over, and the separatist-in-chief pours a little salt on it. How about this instead: Go sit at the kitchen table of every family who lost someone on 9/11 and ask them who killed their loved ones.
To my original point, that clip by Cato Institute's Michael Cannon is very telling. I originally took it as the law-abiding Citizenry's revolutionary right to a government that abides by the Constitution. But over these last few months, it's taken on a darker meaning:
If their emperor and his regime cannot be bothered with the rule of law, then why should their separatist base? If the executive branch gets to make news laws and decide which ones are too stuffy, then why do they even need a Congress? If the Supreme Court can overrule the will of the people, then why even bother with elections? If the regime's own inner circle doesn't have to pay taxes, then why should anyone else?
It may sound like hyperbole, but this air of divisiveness can only lead to one terrible place. We still have two years remaining with these confederates, and who knows what - or who - their war and drones and lies and shovel-ready jobs will attack next. I pray, all the closer to my God from atop my high horse, for my country.
I've been off social media since December or so. The Face-cation has been nice, but I miss seeing all the tos and fros in people's lives. I contemplated going back, but the recent shootings of three
Separatists, never ones to let a tragedy go to waste, were quick to use it as another anti-gun opportunity. This wasn't about hunting, they were quick to say, as though the Second Amendment pertains to deer. This was a "gun crime", a curious label they neglect to place on other criminal activities. Is drunk driving a car crime? Is it an Appletini misdemeanor?
Someone please jot that down as a great band name.
Here's the nexus of their disdain:
They do not believe in the natural rights of human beings. Protect your family and what little you own? Nope. A strong, independent woman standing up for herself? No, we can't have that - just piss yourselves, ladies and hope for the best. You had better believe as they do, every last one of you, or else.
And these people consider themselves to be tolerant and "progressive"?? They're more like the American ISIS (though to be fair, ISIS probably inoculates their children against diseases that should have been eradicated by now).
It goes beyond that, too. It's not just that they don't believe in those principles, they also don't believe in YOU. They don't think you're worthy or well-qualified. Deadly force is their regime's right and duty alone. Who are you, Cletus, to offend their delicate sensibilities bearing a weapon, either open or concealed, while they're ordering a kombucha?
For those of us still betrothed to the rule of law, however, such thinking is dangerous. Constitutional principles must be grounded in reason, whereas separatist viewpoints are tethered to emotion. For instance, one former high school classmate blamed me for Newtown because I owned a gun. What further dialog is there to be had with someone affected with such disturbing logic?
The last month alone has proven that
The law is the law is the law, and until separatists either secede, amend the Constitution, or overthrow the Republic, nothing will change. In the meantime, enjoy your rotten tea, traitors.
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