When confronted about their chokehold on due process, they channel Fulghum and blame their predecessors. When that doesn't work, they resort to blaming the media and racism. In the midst of The Great Recovery, the number of Americans on food stamps has swelled to 47,000,000. In short, we've never had it so good and it's not their fault.
I use the term "separatists" to describe this ruling apparatus. They are extremists, for sure, as well as traitors, leftists, liars, liberals, Democrats, Republicans, propagandists, fascists, socialists, confederates, communists and a few other choice names. But to distill their perfidy down to its very essence, what else could they possibly be?
These are people who disregard the Constitution and our time-honored protocols of governance. They consider themselves above the very laws they create. They operate, perpetrate and denigrate as though The Enlightenment somehow got it all wrong.
So, they set forth to fundamentally transform the greatest Republic to exist in all of recorded history. We missed the mark, you see. Plato, Cato, Cincinnatus, the English barons at Runnymede, Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Franklin, Knox, Greene, Glover, Paine, Hancock, Rodney, Revere, Dawes and Warren were all misguided. But ever in the bosom of Providence, a community organizer appeared to America and showed us the way, transparently.
He then stood before We The People and decreed that he is no longer bound by his solemn oath. While other Presidents have signed more executive orders, none have declared themselves de facto Emperor. It was perhaps the most blatant usurpation of our tricameral system of government by an elected official, ever. And what did our representatives do?

If anyone needed one final nudge to compel them towards the American Spring, I hope that was it. I have no idea how it will unfold and I stand to lose a lot, but the devil you know is hardly better than the one you don't. If you're an American of any race, creed, color, orientation, occupation and any other persuasion (besides separatist), I consider it my birthright and duty to stand by your side.
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