Thursday, November 10, 2016

We Are Americans, Too

It is finished. The unthinkable and the impossible have happened: Hillary Clinton was defeated, and Donald Trump will be our next President.

Separatists are now in open revolt and calling for assassination. The propagandists masquerading as pundits are still trading in lies, and the usual racists are playing their ace in the hole. Their collective consternation reveals a telling ignorance about the roots of their demise. They still don't get it.

THEY passed NAFTA and GATT. THEY took our jobs. THEY sent them overseas. THEY:

Closed our factories
Shuttered our plants and our mills
Refused to follow and enforce the law
Facilitated global Islamic terrorism
Fomented domestic terrorism
Put our military in harm's way, and saddled them with dangerous rules of engagement to boot Ridiculed religions
Mocked the exercising of rights
Spied on reporters
Snooped on Citizens
Weaponized the IRS
Flouted the protocols of governance
Felt-up and fingered women and children in airports
Destroyed a river
Doubled the national debt incurred by every previous administration in only eight years
Lied about unemployment statistics
Led an unprecedented number of Americans into poverty
Engaged in more illegal wars
Targeted police officers
Perpetuated illegal immigration

THEY did all of this and so much more. So what did We The People do? We performed the duty that liberty and Reason demanded. But even this is unacceptable to the separatists, since it now conjures a white bogeyman (with no college degree). Us provincial rubes weren't supposed to upset their apple cart, you see. We're the contemptuous "old America", not their vainglorious new Utopia.

Remember in the movie "Independence Day" when they finally asked the alien what they wanted us to do? It was simple: Die. Whether through attrition, or drone strikes, or them shutting down an entire industry, our lot was to accept our eventual demise. But guess what?

I remember America. My President so loved our country that his voice cracked when he spoke of it. He came to my hometown when I was just a boy. He drove right past my bus stop and went to a local Polish-American Hall for a Citizens' swearing-in ceremony. He then capped it off by leading the crowd in an impromptu singing of "God Bless America". We were peaceful, prosperous, safe, and strong.

He's gone, sadly, but we're still here. Your polling and bubble of condescension may have missed us, but he said it best: We are Americans, too.

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