Friday, May 16, 2014

#Operation AmericanSpring #OAS

Protestors marched from Arlington. Numbers still increasing. This group now moving to the 9% approval rating Congress. Park Police monitoring every movement. MRAP circling monument.


  1. Amazing pictures!! Thank you for keeping those of us who can't attend posted on the latest news!

  2. So, where are the other 9,999,800 people that we were assured were going to show up? We get bigger crowds for girls' softball.

  3. You're most welcome, The Queen.

    Gridlore, I can't speak for anyone else. I make a choice every day to not be ignorant or complicit, and that's where my influence, if any, should end. The myriad examples of lawlessness have been well-documented, but if people care more about hitting a ball with a stick, it only reinforces what I've been writing here for months.
